Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Finally Done!

Myah's purple bed quilt is finally finished! I loved working with these blocks and fabrics. I think it looks very "girlie", which is what we wanted.

Here is a close-up of the quilting on one of the flowerpot blocks:

I ripped out MANY stitches, because I first quilted the basket blocks with large freehand daisy-type flowers, and they just didn't look good at all. Why didn't I decide that after I had made just one, instead of waiting till I had stitched in five of them? Who knows, but I sure spent lots of hours unstitching! I think the quilting I ultimately used looks much better and does more to enhance the blocks. I quilted butterflies along one of the borders--here's what they look like on the back:

I did NOT want to ditch-stitch all those separate petals on the dresden plate flowers, so I went around them with a squiggly stitch that went much faster. I like the effect.

I used a rather puffy poly batting, which I don't normally use, but I wanted more of a comforter feel for her bed. It turned out soft and comfy! Of course, the real measure of success is that Myah loves it!


  1. That looks so comfortable, I want to be under it with Myah! Ha! Love it Sandy, you have such a cool way with your quilts.

  2. Love it, love it, love it! So does Myah!

    What a treasure!

  3. That is absolutely the cutest!!!!! What's up your creative sleeve next? lol
