Guildy Pleasures
Friday, July 6, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Here's A "Cool" Summer Project For You!
How "cool" are these? I felt 10 degrees fresher just looking at the pic!
I love how the citrus slices are quilted to look like they have sections, and those napkins really set them off.
(And, I have no idea why my text is suddenly backed by white. Go figure--I can't get rid of it.)
The pattern is a freebie from Phillips Fiber Arts, and the download is here: phillipsfiberart@danemcoweb. It uses their 12-degree wedge ruler.
But, really, how hard could it be to make your own 12-degree wedge ruler? Okay, I admit it, I didn't make my own--I bought one when it was on sale for a few bucks. Always happy to avoid math whenever possible.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Fun Project: Miniature Quilt for Silent Auction

This little quilt is so colorful that it makes me smile.

Since I'm still loving the black-with-brights combo, I trotted out my bright fabric strips again.
The idea for the wavy strip-pieced border strips is from Janice Gunner, whose article and instructions appeared in the April 2002 Quilters Newsletter. She sews alternating long, skinny wedges together to make the strip sections.
If you're interested in how I created the flower, read on:
I created the pattern for the flower by tracing the circumference of a plate onto tagboard. Then, I folded the circle into eighths (avoiding math!), and cut out one of the resulting wedges to use as a template for the eight flower sections.
When I cut out the eight wedges, I just added a 1/4" seam allowance all around. I positioned the wedge template on selected sections of my strip-pieced large rectangle.
Once the eight sections were sewn together, I put the intact tagboard circle (I had made an extra) onto the sewn flower and turned under the outer edge using the template as a guide. Starch helped set the fold.
Since the center of the flower was one big lump from all those seams coming together, I just cut it out, because I knew I was going to add a small center circle to the flower.
I machine appliqued the flower and border wavy lines to the black background fabric using a (somewhat) invisible stitch.
It still looked like it needed something, so I added some bobbin-work stitching around the center of the flower, the outside of the flower, and on the leaves. I used all six strands of cotton embroidery floss and hand-wound it into my bobbin. For the top thread, I used monofilament.
Finally, I quilted everything together, using outline stitching around all the appliqued pieces, and rather small stippling in the rest of the background.
I liked it so much that I wanted to keep it for myself! Actually, I have enough strip-pieced sections to make another one, so I think I will. I'll have to vary the design somewhat, though. Who wants to make the same thing twice when you can do something different?
Saturday, June 9, 2012
I started using something new, well to me anyway. Have you used it before? It's Feather Lite Heat and Bond. The lightest weight fusible stuff and leaves appliques very soft and flexible. I'm sold on this stuff! I highly recommend it. JoAnns doesn't carry it however, but Hancocks does.
~ Judy
Friday, June 8, 2012
Frivolous Friday...New Grandbaby!
Luke is my seventh, and probably last, grandchild.
Life is good!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Quilted Teacups
My latest obsession is making quilted teacups. I made my own pattern, even tho they are out there to purchase. I still need to improve on a couple of things, and I have ideas for others too. Enjoy looking!
Friday, June 1, 2012
4th of July and Frivolous Friday
I found a bit of time to sew something beside little kidlet clothes this week! I have the applique and ditch work done and am ready to do the finishing work. I brought it outside to see it in the sunshine to help decide where to “go” next. (The grass was bumpy, but you get the idea.) Take a peek!
Need a grin? This picture is of my parents and Mom’s sister from Cody with my grandchildren. The first shot went pretty well, and then the squirm started!
Here is a great picture of Cathy and Addy at the girl’s birthday party. It was so nice to have her there! Tomorrow is Bridger’s first birthday.
Hope to see you all soon! Robbie
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Serial Quilter
Oh Sandy, when I saw this I thought of you and our long arm group! I love it! This one is for Cathy! (source and source)
More options here! Enjoy!
Robbie Marie
Friday, May 4, 2012
Frivolous Friday!
Everyone knows the name “Superior Threads,” but have you seen this??? It is fun!
I spoke with Sharon Schamber’s daughter, Cristy Fincher, a couple of years ago. She told me a story about Sharon forgetting that she had water soluble thread in her machine and having her work wash away! Good lesson to learn from someone else! Right???
Happy Friday, everyone!
Robbie Marie
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Sometimes, little girls need…
Door Slammers or Door Muffs!
Nana and vintage sheets to the rescue! We’ll see how they work!
Today I’m off to the quilt show with Cathy! I can’t wait! Wish it was THIS one!
Robbie Marie
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Great Article About Copyright Issues in the Quilting World
I came across this article in Quilting Board today, and thought it worth sharing. It does answer some questions, and Kate Spain, a designer who was recently involved in a lawsuit, has some wonderful compliments for quilters. Above is a photo of some of her designs from her website. Love her fabrics!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
I’ve been sewin’–just not quiltin’
What have you been up to?
I’ve been stitchin’ – just not quiltin’! Here are a couple of things I’ve made lately. I’ve made my granddaughters a couple of dresses out of vintage sheets and I have my miniature quilt about done for our quilt guild for the June auction.
Take a look and let me know what you think!
… and finally, my miniature quilt. Her name is “Myrtle in a Mason Jar.” I’m finishing her head now. Myrtle sits in a quart canning jar and I put some vintage spools in it to carry the theme. The beads are from my mother’s necklace; she bought it in 1952. Myrtle is holding a miniature quilt.
I wish you could see the richness of the fabrics, but the sun has bleached them out in the pictures – a photographer, I am not!
Do you like Myrtle??? I hope she will be bid on, but if not, I wanna keep her for myself!
Robbie Marie
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Just finished another quilt and realized I hadn't posted a picture of my last one I finished. I love the floral on the lavender one. It was one of those fabrics that you just hate to cut! lol I tried not to think about it, just get it done. LOL I couldn't find a flower like I wanted for the quilting so I drew my own. I hope you can see it in the picture.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Baby Quilt in the Works

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Amish Miniature Quilt
~ Judy